Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not Friday....but confessions nonetheless....

Here we go....some oooeee goooeee stuff about me that I probably shouldn't share! Enjoy and join in! It feels so good and everyone is doing it!
hee hee
~Until the age of about 3 I actually enjoy the smell of my kids breath...okay....starting off with a super wierd one!
~ Although Trey is almost 3 I am NOT enjoying it anymore....he just had surgery to take his adenoids out and have tubes in and the adenoid removal is VERY stinky healing process! Nothing helps either!
~I may be able to skip out on church tomorrow because of the stinky breath. ('s that bad)
~I am jealous of my daughters hair!
~I have gained a couple new stretch marks with this pregnancy.
~Seriously??? This is my 4th dang pregnancy....can't I NOT get new ones??
~It's probably because I was over all 3 of the other pregnancy's full term weights before i got pregnant this time.
~Yup....At this current time I am weighing more than I ever have in my entire life. Not a great feeling.
~I secretly enjoy (some) Disney Channel Origional Movies.
~I was a little excited when Starstruck premiered.
~I think that Sterling Knight is cute!
~I'm a little pathetic.
~I know that I am grumpy this pregnancy, but it bugges me more than anything when I am told that I am. Don't you think that I already know that??? I don't need YOU to tell me!
~I think that was kinda pointed at my husband...okay, not was!
~When I got a calling and my husband didn't I was a little irritated.
~If I have to have church obligations, you should too.
~I hate going visiting teaching, and I normally hate it when they come to me, but I actually like my visiting teachers this time around.
~I hate that I feel like I have to have a spick-n-span house for them to come.
~I have gets messy from time to time.
Okay....I guess that's enough for today. Thanks for reading and you should go post some confessions of your own!


Melissa said...

Seriously, why does every new baby feel the need to leave a different stretch mark on your body? I hated that.

I dvr'd starstruck, too :)

Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

lol----your funny!
your jealous of your daughters!!

she does have PRETTY HAIR!!

good confessions....:)

Anonymous said...

BTW---my computer is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Quintana Family said...

Here's a confession, I love reading your confessions, but I am too chicken to post confessions of my own lol I'm a big fan of ABC Family movies, and cheesy shows (such as Secret Life of the American Teenager lol)

ArethaB said...

HI, I just happened on your blog. It's so cute. Have you been to You'd like it for your girl. Anyway--love your blog--it's original and really cute. Happy blogging! Come and visit me.I'm new to this!

Anonymous said...

I got stretch marks with every single one. UUUG. Cute blog here!