Friday, March 26, 2010

Feeling it...

"Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes."
-Joyce Armor
Oh man am I feeling so ready for this baby!!!
I have gotten a cold twice. I hate being sick when your preggo cause
you can't take a dang thing! UGH! Well, nothing that works anyway.
This baby and my first one are the only 2 pregnancies that I got stretch marks with, so annoying...I guess the one good thing about the stretch marks is that they aren't on my belly! They are all on my big fat BUTT!
lol And never in my life have I had rib pain like I do now.
I'm just huge, that's all there is to it. I'm also a nervous wreck!
I find myself stopping and checking for her to move all the time, if I don't then I shove something sugary in my face and wait for it! Not so good for the weight, but keeps me sane!
I am also cursed with being a very impatient person! I just want to meet this little girl so dang bad and kiss her all over her face!
So needless to say, this is the point that I start to get a little on the crazy side. I just want a healthy living baby in my arms, I will be as patient as I can!
Here's to about 6 weeks left!!!
(going off the fact that I've never gone over 38 weeks. haha)


Erin said...

It is CRAZY the things us mom's go through to get these little babies here huh?!

Here to 6 weeks left..Yahoo!

Lovin Life Together said...

Those last couple of months are the worst. You're almost there, hand in there! If you see my blog I got new family pics, please don't be offended that I didn't go to you. This is my neighbor and she offered, so I wanted to help her out. I still love your work!

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

You're on the home stretch! Hang in there and hopefully your little bundle will be here soon :)