Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Awww....sweet sweet babe!

My baby is getting way too big! I don't like it at all! well...I kinda like it...I just don't want her to get older and tell me no and be mean and all that naughty if she could just stay this way forever then that would be GREAT! haha
See what I mean! It's official...she isn't a newborn anymore! :( But doesn't she look too dang cute?!?!? That little girl is askin to be eaten up!! Nom Nom Nom! She's too yummy!


Anonymous said...


she is so BIG!!

love her outfit!

MEM said...

oh my goodness!!! Those are adorable:)

Lovin Life Together said...

oh my, she is soooo cute. She is getting big.

grandmaloly said...

That last picture of Libby reminds of you brother Cory.