Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Check me out!!!

I am the proudest girl on the planet right now!!
Lookie what I made!!! ------------------------------>
It may seem silly to you, but this stupid thing took me HOURS to figure out!
Button Button....who's got the BUTTON!?!?!? AAHH!!! Anyway....if you want it...take it!
hee hee
Story....Ryan, my husband, is THE computer man....not just any computer man....
TTTHHEEEEE computer man! Like he will figure anything and everything out!
Well, I guess I'm what you could call a giver uper! After a few minutes of trying
I will just say, whatever! And call it quits!
I guess that is why I am so proud...I did it all by myself...without ANY of Ryan's help!

Maybe he is rubbing off on me a little!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ali---stop being so SMART!!!!
now.....IF i can figure it out or me..i will be impressed with myself...
