Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful Thanksgiving...

Okay....I thought that this year I would be a little better at this *posting daily* but I guess I'm not....but hey...nobody's perfect...right??
Anyway....being the night before Thanksgiving
I wanted to post a few things that I am thankful for...some for the past few days I've missed and for at least tomorrow....heaven knows I will probably be in a
turkey coma! haha
So here we go...
~Thankful for Ryan's 7 days off....makes the 7 days on a little more worth it.
~..for space heaters.....our bedroom is FREEZING!!
~...for good know...the ones who lift you up and make you feel like a better person!
~...for health....I mean seriously...we really have it good when it comes to our health. There are some people out there that aren't as foutunate.
~...for modern technology....because of this I get to see my baby everytime I go to the dr. LOVE it! (not only is it special...but VERY reassuring!) has given me a hobby that
I have stuck to for more than a few months and also is
providing funds at the same time....what better hobby can you have??
~...and last but not least
...and I know I say this all the time...
but I am most thankful for my family.
My hard working hubby...
my adorable kids...
ALL my brothers and sisters and their spouses...I mean it's really like
they aren't even in-laws....they really are my siblings...
my nieces and nephews...I just love them to death!
And last but DEFINATELY not mom and dad! I just cannot express in words how much I love all these people...they are my life and my support when I need it....they are my heaven on earth! Muah to all them!!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!