Friday, December 18, 2009

Okay..quick, pictureless post...

I have been a TOTAL slacker on this dang blog. I'm terrible! Well, there are a few things I guess I would like to share about my family during this time of year.
Another semester down!!! Yipee!!! so I guess this means we have about a year left...I think...I could be wrong. Then he has decided to take a break before going full force into PA school. Which is going to be a good thing I think. He hates that he is missing out on so much in the kids lives...and maybe...JUST MAYBE....I might take that time to do a little school myself.....JUST MAYBE! Ryan tells me, "YES!! You are doing it...I'd love to see you do school!" haha Does that mean that he wants to see if I have any smarts?? Hmm....We'll see about that little endevor!
SOOOOOo excited for Christmas! She really is pretty much just one happy kid! She saved her money for months and months for an American Girl Doll and she finally was able to get it and she is so proud of herself! I couldn't believe that she would actually save for as long as she did. Makes me so proud that she set a goal...worked towards it and saw the result of reaching it! Way to go Jadynn!! Love my girlie!
Okay...this kid is freaking HILARIOUS!!! He does something new and funny everyday! I just love that he makes me laugh and he loves to make me laugh! this morning Ryan and I went to wake him up and he was covered by a blanket (we didn't really know which blanket as they were all piled in his bed) we peeked under one thinking he may be asleep and as we peek he starts to giggle! He is a little jokester and I love it! He LOVES Christmas lights! And I guess his duck does too! Everytime we are driving at night he will see lights and say,"Look at that." and then he does a funny little scream for his duck, as though he is just as excited as he is! Love it!
As far as I know...this little one is doing okay. I am pretty much over the sickness...but having a hard time shaking the sleepiness. I am having a hard time waiting this one out! I am so dang excited for this little girl to be here! I have a little bit of a feeling that she is going to be one spoiled little girl! I can't wait to see what a girl version of Ryan looks like! EEKK!! Our next appt is in the first week of January and I can't wait to see her again! Annnnnndddddd.....I believe that I have started to feel her move! YAY! Love this little girl so much already! After all she is being sent to us by 2 VERY special people...her brother and Grandpa! She is probably already spoiled by them!
I love my family and this time of year! I wish we all had easier schedules and were able to see each other more often. I think we are going to need each other this Christmas with it being the first year without my dad. Geez....this time last year we didn't even know he had cancer at all!!! It has all gone so fast. Anyway...long post! If you made it this far thanks for reading my rambling and updates! I love you all and hope you are enjoying the holiday season!

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