Saturday, February 6, 2010

Again??? I will try not to be as gross! hee hee

Okay....It's Saturday...but here goes on the confessions....AGAIN!!!
Ready.....Set..... GO!
~It is 11:20 and I'm still hanging out in my G's!
~It is a lazy day today....hopfully not all day!
~Sometimes I like people more than they like me and I get my feelings hurt by that.
~Sometimes I am selfish and want for people what I would want and not what they would want.
~I have a bad habit of always jumping right to the worst case scenerio and freaking out about it.
~I want badly to make new friends but I am not willing to put forth the effort of talking to people.
~Sometimes I have a hard time being happy for other people because of some of the bad things that have happened in my life.
Okay....along with all the bad/sad/random comfessions I am going to make a good one...
~I have enjoyed my new calling more than I expected to. I think I really wanted to hate it because I liked not having one so much, but this one is a good fit!
Thanks HF!
Now you all go make some confessions of your own! :o)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yay! Thanks for playing. I'm with you on the friends thing...when I was younger it seemed to be so easy to make friends, and now that I'm a mama, it's been hard!

I think you should be able to hang out in the g's all day!