Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My sweet Monster!!

I can't believe that this freaking cute kid is going to be 3 soon!!! I just had to share how cute his invites turned out!!! And I came up with them all by myself...I can't believe it. Okay, okay....I'm tooting my own horn, but I just love them, and his party is going to be so cute too! I can't wait! Like it's my own party! LOL they are....
It's going to be a RoCkInG MoNsTeR PaRtY!!! hee hee
And here are a few little shots that I got his the monster himself today! I love this kid...even though he drives me up the wall sometimes!
Love the cheesy chip left-overs on his face??? LOL
We have a game called Snorta and these are the little animal game pieces....he loves to play with them! He gets them out and stands them all up in a line and then knocks them all over! LOL
Well, I figured it had been a while since I had a post with pictures in it so I had to put one up!
Update on Baby~ Things are looking good....I had to do a 3 hour glucose test...YUCK! But I passed!! YAY! BUT...(duh duh duuuuuuuhhh) my iron is super low! UGH! So, I'm taking extra iron pills. Other than all this the baby is looking GREAT! I'm about 30 weeks now and the little girlie is weighing in at about 3 lbs! I can't wait to see this sweet girl....I can't stand how much I already love her! Anyway....that is an update on what is going on...Jadynn is good also....she is VERY anxious for am I! Come On Spring.....we need ya!!!


Logan said...

Those invitations are so stinkin cute! I know what you mean about feeling like their parties are your own. I've been planning Amira's 1st b-day in my head for the past few months.

Liseylew said...

frikkin love that kid!!! cute pictures! thanks for sharing!

Brooke said...

He is so cute! I can't believe he is going to be 3! I am excited you are having a girl! I bet Jadynn is pumped!