Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm grounded!

Okay...I've been in a little bit of a funk lately....
I haven't been taking any pictures and I haven't been blogging.
I don't know what's is wrong with me, but I am grounding myself to my room
Till I feel nice enough to come out! (haha that may be never...I could sleep all day!!)
Anyway....yesterday I went to my sister in laws and had a craft/get christmas stuff done day!
It was fun and felt so nice to get out of the house for a bit! Annnnnd.....yesterday I made.....
2 skirts for Jadynn and Libby, a blanket (okay...not really made, I cut and tied) and a stocking!
I already had 2 stockings done so that makes 3 done....I'm making our stocking for this
year cause I am sick of looking at our ugly store bought ones! I will share pics of all of
these accomplishements a little later! Now....I'm off to do MORE laundry. I don't wanna skip laundry day ever again!!!!!

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