Saturday, February 25, 2012

My spiritual cup is overflowing.

I just had to post about my wonderful experience at laurels camp this weekend.
First off I have to say that I love YW! I don't think that I have felt as
close to my Heavenly Father as I have since I've been in the YW program.
I was extreeeeemely nervous but now I don't think they could tear me away!
I love it so much! 
Anyway, I am the laurels leader and was invited to go to the laurel winter camp.
 (this was our theme for the camp)
We packed up our stuff (LOTS of stuff for just one night....hey, we're girls!), met at the stake center,
prayed and ventured to our stake camp.
We got there, had some DELICIOUS dinner, played some fun games, had scripture study and
visited the most beautiful home I've ever seen in my life. There we received
some great spiritual guidance. (For those of you who know me, you know I did a LOT of crying.)
from a great woman. She let us snoop around her amazing home, which was a lot of fun, and we headed back to camp. 
The next day our awesome stake YW leaders had some fun and very heart felt things planned.
Lots of laughs, making new friends, and tears. That cabin was graced with the spirit the whole time we were there. It was so amazing to hear these
girls wisdom and feel their spirits and listen to their testimonies through what they said.
These girls are only 16-18 years old people!!!
Proud to say that I was able to rub shoulders with them for the weekend. 
I just want to say thank you to my bishopric for thinking enough of me to be
in these amazing girls lives.
I also need to thank our YW president for also thinking that I would be
able to do some good in their lives....don't know that I am...but I am sure trying.
If anything they help me with my testimony more than I do theirs. These girls are the best of the best. 
I am so lucky to serve these girls and to serve with the leaders that I do. I think we are all a pretty dang good team. 
Anyway, I had a blast and was so overwhelmed by the amazing spirit that was with me this weekend.
I came home feeling that my batteries had been recharged to the fullest. 
Love it! 
I can't wait for girls camp! ;) 

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